Kitchener Area Meeting is a welcoming and affirming faith
community rooted in the Quaker tradition.
We believe that everyone has
within them a spark of the Divine, an Inner Light, to which we become
more attuned through silent worship and through service in daily
You are welcome to join us in weekly worship, held every Sunday. We gather at approximately 10:15am and hold Meeting for Worship with ministry out of the silence from 10:30-11:30.
Please drop us an email for details about attending either online over zoom, or in person!
Our weekly schedule is as follows. The default is both in-person and via zoom.
Sundays, 10:30-11:30am
The first Sunday of the month, Meeting is zoom-only and followed by a worship-sharing discussion.
The second Sunday of the month, Meeting is both in-person and via zoom, and often followed by sharing songs in-person.
The third Sunday of the month, Meeting is zoom-only and followed by Meeting for Worship for Business.
The fourth Sunday of the month, Meeting is both in-person and via zoom, and followed by a potluck lunch.
If there is a 5th Sunday of the month, Meeting is held both in-person and via zoom.
298 Frederick St., Kitchener, ON N2H 2N5
Contact: (519) 884-2056 or email
Guelph Worship Group: Contact Diana at: 1 (519) 519-400-4623 or email
Huron Worship Group: Contact Tony or Fran at: 1 (519) 528-2493 or email
We endorse this statement from Canadian Friends condemning systemic racism.
We stand with our neighbours to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls #MMIWG
We are an 2SLGBTQ+ affirming faith group. We have openly LGBTQ+ people in our membership and leadership, and do not restrict people from service or leadership on the basis of gender or sexuality.
About Quakers § Links § Finding Us